Masks - Loser Buys Pizza

A trio of teen heroes take a break after a long night of patrolling. While chatting with another group, they all spot some action going down at a warehouse across the street. Before springing to action, the groups agree, depending on how things shake out in dealing with the bad guys -

Loser buys pizza.

Masks is a Powered by the Apocalypse game by Brendan Conway, of a new generation of super heroes coming into their own, dealing with the pressures of being a teen while saving the day in Halcyon City. The base game and official expansions are available in soft and hardcover books + PDF at Magpie Games' website, while just the PDFs are available at DriveThruRPG.

This episode incorporates content from the core book, the Halcyon City Herald Collection, and the Enduring playbook by Jon of Listen to These Nerds podcast, available in the Fan Favorite Zine, and as an updated standalone PDF, both on itch. The Enduring has also been a part of the TTRPGs for Trans Rights bundles, and the upcoming (as of posting) TTRPGs for Trans Rights Ohio bundles, so you may already have a copy.

Greg - GM

Ben - Blue Monarch (They/Them) - The Outsider

Dan - Shadow Fist / Vladamir Sandberg (He/Him) - The Beacon

Jared - The Phantom Specter / Arya Kroger (She/Her) - The Enduring

Alteregomania - The Unmasked Avenger

In the city of New Olympus, super heroes roam the city, powered and run by Plutocorp. The Pedestrian investigative reporter Klara awakens to a phone call concerning a burning building. As she conducts interviews and pokes around, she starts to realize this incident is a consequence of something more disturbing...

Alteregomania is a Gumshoe One-2-One setting, focusing on playing Klara as she investigates problems caused by New Olympus' heroes. It is PDF only, and available on Pelgrane Press' website.

Ben - GM

Greg - Klara Koenig

Sailor Moon - The Scout's Dilemma

Or the full title: Sailor Moon - The Scout’s Dilemma: School’s Dangerous Curriculum and The Mysterious Janitor

Ian takes us and guests through Sailor Moon, the (official!) RPG! The Sailor Senshi and their fellow students are gearing up for a tough national test at school. Meanwhile, the school's janitor is trying to keep tabs on everyone...

(Thanks to our special guest Tom from our friends at Role Playing Public Radio!)

(Also, Aaron and Noah have started a new anime podcast recently! Check out Thinking Too Hard About Anime for deep dives into beloved anime, starting with Cowboy Bebop! Available through many podcast apps!)

Ian: GM

Aaron: Hino Rei / Sailor Mars

Ben: Kino Makoto / Sailor Jupiter

Greg: Haruka Tenoh / Sailor Uranus

Tom: Saito Kenshi / The School's Janitor

First Responders - Cruise Ship Chaos

Kyle Carty from BPB games stops by to run a game of his Savage Worlds one sheet setting of first responders dealing with super powered emergencies. 211 has been called due to a super fight near a port where a cruise ship is...

If this game sounds like your jam, it is Pay What You Want at DriveThruRPG! In addition to their games, BPB runs a biweekly Twitch stream of their various games.

Laura's stories that the scenario is based on can be found at her blog.

Kyle - GM

Greg - Cyril Chopin AKA Ambulance, Evacuation Specialist. Teleporter.

Laura -  Iana Dupont AKA Hydro. Fresh Recruit. Hydrokinetic.

Noah - Chuck AKA Flounder. ...Manager

Better Angels - No Soul Left Behind Part 19

It's time for an exorcism! Luckily Sojourner is such a good person. How hard can it be...?

Noah (He/Him) - The GM


Adam (He/Him) - Mac Malachi Noble / Dagon Cloudtrip - The grumpy old math teacher.

Laura (They/Them) - Angelina Joceline / The Book Burner - The school librarian.

Chris - Benson Coyle / Psychopomp- The new teacher on the block.

Greg (He/Him) - Chase Chevallier / Chernabog - The musical theater teacher.