Dueling Fops of Vindamere – Cobra, Darharke, & Poppy

Dueling Fops of Vindamere – Cobra, Darharke, & Poppy
Technical Difficulties

Another year, another trio of eccentric fencing instructors prepare for the Alle-Valley Fencinge Championeshippe, seeking glory and to undermine their rivals all along the way...

Dueling Fops of Vindamere is a GMless game by Greg Stolze, and is available at DriveThruRPG.

Dan - Cobra Darkhawk, master of the Razor Victory School

Greg - Darharke Forrest, master of the Razor Enlightenment Path

Jared - Poppy Beaumont, master of the Subtle Victory School

Fear & Panic - Bryson Springs

Fear & Panic - Bryson Springs
Technical Difficulties

This scenario will feature cosmic horror, but also racism and classism. Listener discretion is advised.

At the height of the Great Depression in California, three men are drawn into the area of Bryson Springs. One, a temporary resident of the Hooverville, trying to lay low, despite his conspicuousness. One, from the city, coming to help one of his own. One, a land owner, troubled by recent events.

Regardless, they are drawn in to the murder of a Chinese man in the Hooverville under mysterious circumstances. These circumstances will bring the three and the rest of the town into danger, and it will take their all, and maybe a bit of help from a familiar gun, to survive the fear and panic and worse things...

Fear and Panic is a game in early access, by Lyme. It's a horror game that utilizes fear as a means to help tell the story and drive characters. It is available at Lyme's itch.io page.

Bryson Springs is a systemless scenario written by Caleb Stokes. It is available as a stand alone purchase as a pdf at DriveThruRPG, or as a part of the Great Depression horror collection No Security, at DriveThruRPG in print, or at Hebanon Games itcho.io in pdf.

Ethan - GM

Ben - Shun Zhu aka Sammy, Chinese Community Organizer from the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association from San Francisco

Dan - Teddie Wirth, Landowner from Bryson Springs

Greg - Maverick Donaghue aka Miles Douglas, Hitman from Cleveland

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Post Mortem

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Post Mortem
Technical Difficulties

Ethan is joined by Ben, Dan, Greg, and Vince (Laura unfortunately could not attend) to discuss the aftermath of Harlem Unbound! Listen in on the background to the characters and the scenarios as we say goodbye to another campaign!

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Part 20

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Part 20
Technical Difficulties

For one night only, four men of Harlem converge on a bar. They seek to summon a god to banish it. Will this plan work? Can they save Harlem? The world? Themselves? No matter what happens, their story ends tonight...

Harlem Unbound is by Chris Spivey for Darker Hue Studios & Chaosium, and can be found as both a pdf for the multi-system 1st Edition version at Darker Hue's website, and as a pdf or physical book for the Call of Cthulhu 2nd Edition at Chaosium.

Ethan - GM

Ben - Sgt. Reginald Luther, a field medic for the Harlem Hellfighters, who is trying to get in to med school or get out of America.

Dan - Ford Kitchens, a guy who knows everybody and can fix most things.

Greg - Titus "Dusty" Boyer, a young New Orleans native who can tend bar and play tuba in a NO jazz style.

Vince - Grant S. Green, a photographer who runs his own studio.

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Part 19

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Part 19
Technical Difficulties

The investigators reunite. They must plan, and plan quickly. For they must overcome the Baron in Blues if they are to save Harlem...

Harlem Unbound is by Chris Spivey for Darker Hue Studios & Chaosium, and can be found as both a pdf for the multi-system 1st Edition version at Darker Hue's website, and as a pdf or physical book for the Call of Cthulhu 2nd Edition at Chaosium.

Ethan - GM

Ben - Sgt. Reginald Luther, a field medic for the Harlem Hellfighters, who is trying to get in to med school or get out of America.

Dan - Ford Kitchens, a guy who knows everybody and can fix most things.

Greg - Titus "Dusty" Boyer, a young New Orleans native who can tend bar and play tuba in a NO jazz style.

Vince - Grant S. Green, a photographer who runs his own studio.