
Ongoing Campaigns

Still in progress - new episodes coming out now!

Heart: The City Beneath - The Gorgon

Some text to describe the campaign.

GM: Ben
Players: Adam, Ethan, Greg, Vince

Reign - Nagalisitu - Agents of ALIS

The crew of the starship Hypatia are secretly members of ALIS, the Alexandrian Library's "Acquisitions" division. When they find a portal to a strange primitive world, can they help guide its inhabitants toward a peaceful and civilized future? Or will they accidentally unleash a terrible force upon the galaxy? Only time will tell!

GM: Adam
Players: Dan, Ethan, Greg, Jared, Laura

Completed Campaigns

We’ve gone the distance on these campaigns. Listen to the complete stories!

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound

1920s Harlem is jumping with creative energy — Jazz! Poetry! Technology! Progress! — but beneath the excitement, horrors both ancient and modern lurk ready to snare the unwary. Can brave investigators protect their community from these unnatural perils?

GM: Ethan
Players: Ben, Dan, Laura, Greg, Vince

Red Markets Black Death

Ethan has created a hack of the Profit System about Takers in zombie-infested 14th century Europe! Is a Medieval zombie apocalypse better or worse than a modern-day apocalypse? Can leeches cure the Blight? Are armored knights horrendously overpowered? What is a Horse Box? Find out as we playtest the Black Death rules, from creation to completion!

GM: Ethan
Players: Laura, Adam, Greg, Ben, Ian, Brownie, George, RPPR

World Wide Wrestling - The Territories

In a world where pro wrestling is one of the most popular forms of entertainment, kayfabe is king, and anyone can become a star. Follow the adventures of a group of wrestlers as they attempt to make a name for themselves.

GM: Micah
Players: Adam T., Noah, Greg

Red Markets - Masada’s Redoubt

In the aftermath of the Crash, a group of soldiers in the Pacific Northwest works to found a new enclave for survivors. Join us for a new take on Red Markets, focused on building a new settlement from scratch instead of just trying to escape poverty. Featuring Google Maps Sandbox Play! Also featuring a playtest of the Red Markets War Rules!

GM: Laura
Players: Adam, Noah, Greg, Ethan

Monsterhearts 2 - Jesus Freaks

A group of students at Hamlet Grove High Christian school are drawn together by a group project, and invitations to a party that night. All of them are... odd or weird. Their worlds will collide, in more ways than one...

GM: Greg
Players: Aaron, Ben, Ethan, Ian, Laura

Red Markets - 10k Lakes

A group of podcasts, including our own, The Roleplaying Exchange, Insert Quest Here, and The Drunk and Ugly banded together to form a living campaign in Red Markets. The Taker Group Freelance, filled with a variety of lost souls, work together to get themselves out of the Loss.

Eclipse Phase - Into The Black

Adam runs this campaign in Eclipse Phase! An ark ship is heading across the galaxy to head into deep space, but Firewall has heard that something is… off about it. As the PCs investigate it and other threats, what dangers to the remains of humanity await?

GM: Adam
Players: Ethan, Greg, Kent, Laura, Noah, Rachel

Monsters and Other Childish Things - Roadtrip Remix

A gang of kids with their special monster friends embark on an amazing trip across the country. What exciting adventures will they have along the way? Adapted from the campaign Road Trip by Ross Payton.

GM: Greg
Players: Laura, Ethan, Aaron, Adam, Shaun

Monsterhearts - Winter Quarter 1998

Monsterhearts is a game of sexy young monsters and interpersonal angst. Catrin, Neko, and JJ work through their problems during the winter of their freshman year at college.

GM: Aaron
Players: Laura, Ethan, Greg

Red Markets Beta - The Reformers

It's the campaign that started it all: The Reformers, run as a beta test of Caleb Stokes's game Red Markets. Pixie, Freebird, and Anton try to make enough money to escape the zombie apocalypse.

GM: Greg
Players: Laura, Ethan, Aaron

Suspended Campaigns

Not quite finished, but full of great stuff! Maybe we’ll come back for a conclusion later!

Better Angels - No Soul Left Behind

A group of teachers are suddenly gifted wondrous powers, but they are controlled by terrible demons. With their school in constant danger of closing, a community always in peril, and their jobs on the line, can these teachers be led by the Better Angels of their nature, or will their Souls be Left Behind…?

GM - Noah
Players - Adam, Chris, Greg, Laura (cameos by Ethan and Olivia)

Red Markets - Exit Stage Right

It’s an all-score campaign led by the all-score king, RPPR’s Jason! A sketchy team of Takers out of San Francisco Bay cruises the coast for unclaimed treasures. Will they sink or swim?

GM: Jason (RPPR)
Players: Adam, Ben, Dan, Ethan, Greg, Laura