Call of Cthulhu - Friends of Dorothy

This episode contains body horror, threats of police violence, and themes of implicit and explicit queerphobia, depression, isolation, and loneliness. Listener discretion is advised.

June, 1981. A quartet of members of the US military make the long drive to visit a gay bar that has always been safe. A magical night devolves into a magical nightmare, as when they escape a police raid they find themselves in an other world. What limits will the servicemembers go to keep themselves safe from this nightmare, and safe from the world they want to go back to...?

Keeper Rina can be found on The Old Ways Podcast and Ain't Slayed Nobody. They can also be found on Youtube at Symphony Entertainment, where they ran a two part session of Friends of Dorothy (Part 1, Part 2). This scenario, along with others written by Rina, can be found at DriveThruRPG in PDF and print on demand.

David, as always, can be found at RPPR, RPX, and One Less Die when he's not visiting with us.

Keeper Rina - GM

David - Corpsman Janice Schmidt (They/Them), Navy

Greg - Airman Michael Kowalski (He/Him), Air Force

Kelsie - Ensign Thea Banks (She/Her), Navy

Laura - PFC Hannah Mills (She/Her), Army

Kids on Bikes - The Glow Stone Mystery Part 1

In the City of Undecided, a trio of teens are at the Glow Stone Strip Mall, as well as the owner/operator of the veterinarian office there. An attempted theft unites them as they investigate the strange goings on in town...

Kids on Bikes is a game of collaborative storytelling in small towns with weird goings on, by Jon Gilmour and Doug Levandowski. The game is available at the Hunter's Entertainment website, both in pdf and physical, as well as a pdf of the Free RPG Day Edition [with additional writing by Crespin and Xasia Villarreal], which we used.

Jared - GM

Ben - Ashley Gleason, The Rich Girl

Dan - Scott Harris, The Conspiracy Boy

Greg - Tex Johnson, The Haunted Boy

Nellie - Dr. Lilanne Okafor, The Serious Veterinarian

Slasher Flick - HR Nightmare

Corporate Social Economics, in the general public, is renowned as a company that helps other companies engage in philanthropy and corporate social responsibility. On the inside, CorpSE is just another company that strips away your soul. On Halloween Night, after a long week with overtime, several employees are wrapping up work before a party. Several groups are called up to the C-Suite, and the horrors only get worse from there...

Slasher Flick is a game of blood curdling horror by Cynthia Celeste Miller and Spectrum Games. The game is available in pdf from DriveThruRPG, and in physical as a print on demand book from Lulu.

(Characters are introduced as whether Primary or Secondary, their name and pronouns, role at CorpSE, and what they are dressed as for Halloween.)

Greg - GM


Primary: Shouta Yamasaki, (He/Him), Communications Specialist, Secret Agent
Secondary: Aphrodite “Dita”, Kontos, (She/Her), Social Media Specialist, Torturer
Secondary: Ryker Carter, (He/Him), Videographer, Giant Eyeball Helmet


Primary: Berry Stone, (He/Him), Accounts Payable Manager, Pirate Captain
Secondary: Yazmin Washington, (She/They), Payment Processor, Pirate Crew Member
Secondary: Nazeer Abbasi, (He/Him), Inventory Manager, Pirate Crew Member


Primary: Lisa Christensen, (She/Her), HR Generalist, Witch (No Effort)
Secondary: Leonid “Leo” Borysova, (They/Them), Office Generalist, Werewolf (Too Much Effort)
Secondary: Vera Morales (She/Her), Paralegal, Jester / Clown (Inappropriate Effort)

Hauntrifiction - The Butler Estate

Walter Butler, a wealthy occultist, died in the process of a binding ritual. This was the intent, so he could continue the ritual... for 300 years. One of his descendants, Lamont Butler, is being tempted with selling the house for it to potentially be bulldozed. Walter's spirit will stop at nothing to save his home. With one weekend to do it, can he work Lamont and his friends to convince him to keep the home...?

Hauntrification, by Sylvia Gimenez, is part of Level 1 2023, a Silver Ennie award winning Free RPG Day anthology. It is available, still for free, at DriveThruRPG and at 9th Level Games' website.

Greg - "GM" / Lamont Butler, Alyssia Goode, September Ford

Ben - Walter Butler

Alteregomania - The Unmasked Avenger

In the city of New Olympus, super heroes roam the city, powered and run by Plutocorp. The Pedestrian investigative reporter Klara awakens to a phone call concerning a burning building. As she conducts interviews and pokes around, she starts to realize this incident is a consequence of something more disturbing...

Alteregomania is a Gumshoe One-2-One setting, focusing on playing Klara as she investigates problems caused by New Olympus' heroes. It is PDF only, and available on Pelgrane Press' website.

Ben - GM

Greg - Klara Koenig