CBR+PNK - One Eyed Lumberjacks

A trio of runners go through Just One Last Score. A national park close to the city has been sold for resource extraction, and within that zone a company has built a casino, One Eyed Lumberjacks. The Mr. Johnson has tasked these runners with making their way to the casino, getting up to the security floor, and attaching a device to an airgapped security server...

CBR+PNK is a Silver Ennie Award winning 'accelerated' version of Forged in the Dark by Emanoel Melo. You run cyberpunks through a final gig that can hopefully get enough credits to get out of the life. The game is available in PDF through Emanoel's itch.io, while a physical Augmented Edition containing the pamphlet for CBR+PNK plus several scenarios and other add ons is available at Indie Press Revolution.

Dan - Groove Freak, Hacker

David - Cooper, Hitter

Greg - R0undh0us3, CQC / Face

Hope Rides Alone - It Follows

In a neon lit future, humanity survived the edge of an apocalypse to start the road to recovery. However, there are no heroes left in man. The falsely benevolent "Doctor" rules over the City with an iron fist, his Machines keeping a vigilant watch. There is a resistance, fighting in the shadows to help the people of the City, waging war against the Doctor and calling him what he is, The Tyrant.

A pair of resistance members are called in on an assignment. A member of another cell was killed in his civilian guise as a famous actor, on set for his latest movie. These two agents have to determine how he died, and if the Resistance has been compromised...

Hope Rides Alone is a game in alpha, written by Nathan Knapp, author of Sordid Dystopia.

Greg - GM

Dan - Achilles Pollyanna, The Tinkerer

Ethan - Melon Boy Jimmy, The Outsider

The Sprawl - The Bogatyrev Jam

A crew is assembled to kidnap a data courier, Bogatyrev. He uses the cyber-technology to keep the data he carries in his body. This will not be a smash and grab job, these heisters will have to operate very carefully...

Ben - GM

Aaron - Bobby Digital - The Tech

Ethan - Sneaky Sammy - The Infiltrator

Greg - Hornet - The Driver