Dawn of the Orcs - One Shot

In a land beset by war, the Council of Sages strive to save their home by creating life. But how they create it, and what they give them, will be of the utmost importance...

Dawn of the Orcs is a GMless game of dark fantasy, world building, and... "monster design", by Lyme. As of posting, the game is actively on Kickstarter, and already funded. Lyme's other games can be found at their itch.io page, including Fear and Panic, the game we recently used for our run of Bryson Springs.

David, as always, can be found at RPPR, RPX, and One Less Die when he's not visiting with us.

Ben - The Dreaded Biomancer Emeritus

Dan - The Honorary Physicial of the Arcane Arts

David - The Renowned Thaumaturge Ex-Mortis

Ethan - The Court Druid of the West