Call of Cthulhu - The Nethescurial Fragment

In 1918 Miskatonic University sponsored a marine archaeology expedition to the Eastern Mediterranean. During the course of the expedition, the crew, led by the famous archaeologist and treasure hunter Dr. Alan Pooreman, explored the submersed site of an ancient proto-Canaanite settlement. The settlement is believed to have been last inhabited around 3,500 BC when it may have been destroyed by a seismic event that caused the sea to flood the area. The artifacts discovered by the expedition have not been displayed - until now.

Through a generous grant from the Phillips Foundation, the Miskatonic University Museum of Archaeology has created an exhibit of the Pooreman Expedition’s discoveries.

You're cordially invited to attend opening night.

This one-shot was written and ran by our very own Ethan. Enjoy!


Laura - Museum Curator Cordelia Gordon, in charge of making sure opening night goes off without a hitch. Also, in charge of everyone.

Aaron - HVAC Specialist John Palagi, in charge of climate control for the exhibit.