Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound Part 11

After the case has closed, Dontae has decided to step away from investigating for the time being (for good?), and is away on a trip. Reggie is also considering finding an exit plan himself. Queenie treats the remaining investigators to a night on the town to see an up and coming band leader, Duke Ellington. As the night drags on, two other men's destinies start to intertwine with Reggie and Ford's...

Harlem Unbound is by Chris Spivey for Darker Hue Studios & Chaosium, and can be found as both a pdf for the multi-system 1st Edition version at Darker Hue's website, and as a pdf or physical book for the Call of Cthulhu 2nd Edition at Chaosium.

Ethan - GM

Ben - Sgt. Reginald Luther, a field medic for the Harlem Hellfighters, who is trying to get in to med school or get out of America.

Dan - Ford Kitchens, a guy who knows everybody and can fix most things.

Greg - Titus "Dusty" Boyer, a young New Orelans native who can tend bar and play tuba in a NO jazz style.

Vince - Grant S. Green, a photographer who runs his own studio.

Reign - Nagalisitu - Agents of ALIS - Part 12

This campaign will touch on many themes, including slavery, racism, specism, harm to children, and mental health issues, among others. Listener discretion is advised.

After waking up from their bonfire, the crew of the Hypatia must work together to encounter the next tribe. But will this encounter go peacefully, or violently...?

Agents of ALIS is based on the campaign framework Nagalisitu by Caleb Stokes, for Reign second edition by Greg Stolze. Reign 2E has been released in pdf and is available at Atomic Overmind, while the book with the information on Nagalisitu is still in final stages of development. We are using a Kickstarter backer version of those rules.

Genepals are references from Kyle Carty's Starstreamers from BPB Games.

Adam - GM

Dan - Roscoe Holst - The human pilot of the Hypatia, and descendant of the... legendary? line of Holst, a family that always seems to be near when galactic history changes.

Ethan - Silent Reading - A Murnau spy, perhaps the person most suited to the work of the Library. Whereas his twin brother Cheerful Humming is much more of an open book, Silent Reading keeps to himself, trusting few...

Greg - Kyrt Howling-Echo - A gengineered half-human half-Murnau, he is the former Genepal League champion. Kyrt has "retired" into aiding the Library of Alexandria as a patron. Never without his beloved Genepal Pep Pup, or his second best friend Sol-Edge.

Jared - Captain Kai Uhila - The human captain of the Hypatia. Kai is a bard as is the nature of those who helm the ships that travel the galaxy. A bit of a drunk, a bit of a lech, a bit of a loose cannon, but someone with a strong sense of justice.

Laura - Tema Miles - A humanish logistics & security expert on the Hypatia. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and will rip yours out of your chest if you cross her, the ship, or her young ward Libby.

Slasher Flick - 666 County Road 13 Take 2

A few years later, just in time for… All Saints Day, Brownie takes a new group, including Rina from The Old Ways, through a spin of his custom Slasher Flick scenario!

A group of TV Host & Reality Show Ghost hunters for a show called PhasnomeX, a subsidiary of PhenomeX, are invited to make an episode about a haunted house. The house was formerly a spiritual retreat made by an eccentric couple who dabbled in the occult. The cast and crew roll up to make the episode, but surely things will go fine...

Thanks again to Brownie for running for us. As a bonus, Brownie has graciously provided a ZIP file with a scenario guide, player handouts, and the primary and secondary characters! Rina as always can be found on The Old Ways Podcast and Ain't Slayed Nobody.

Brownie - GM

Ben - Kevin "Truly" The Expert (Primary), Vince the Camera Operator (Secondary)

Dan - Clint "Coop" Cooper The Host (Primary), Jane the Producer (Secondary)

Greg - Stacy "Just Stacy" The Skeptic (Primary), Pat the Soundperson (Secondary)

Rina - Bunnie The Scream Queen (Primary), Jake the Gofer (Secondary)

Slasher Flick - 666 County Road 13


A fresh trio of FIST operatives are called into the field, some old, some new. There are reports of CYCLOPS purchasing land in Kenya through shell companies. They're investing a ton of money and resources into this new property. The operatives must infiltrate and see what's going on...

Ben - GM

Dan - Glassblower - A man who somehow dual classes in brain surgery and being a berserker...

David - Triple Shot - A war orphan turned sniper who is able to shadow clone himself by drinking a lot of coffee.

Ethan - The Black Badge - A former cop who did his best to clean up the corrupt streets and systems, he continues to fight for justice in a Dirty World...

Heart - The Vaults of Salt-16

Blackmane gets an assignment from Crimsonfang, a fellow Gnoll. A Nujabian Gnoll incursion team went on an assignment and are now missing. If they are alive, they need brought back. If they are dead, they need to confirm the kills and bring back their tags. Can Blackmane, Tenacity, and Quin find them?

Ben - GM

Dan - Quin Moreau, Vermissian Knight

Ethan - Tenacity Malrich - Adventurer Heretic

Greg - Blackmane, Gnoll Heartsong-Called Cleaver