Nancy Drow Playtest with James Wallis

For both seasons of Ross Payton, Greg Stolze, and James Wallis' RPG podcast Ludonarrative Dissidents, Tech Diff has supported their Kickstarter. Because of this, we were able to sit down with James and Greg for a game. For season one, James ran a game for Greg and Ethan, of an in development RPG called Nancy Drow.

Unfortunately there were hiccups with James' audio, but we had a lovely time regardless. And, as this is a playtest, it takes some time to get going as we go through character generation on mic.

A pair of youths in a world of fantasy heroism have to live without any super powers or fighting skills. What seems like a simple purse-snatching turns into a much bigger problem...

Nancy Drow is still in development. James can be found at his website, and Ludonarrative Dissidents can be found via their podcast.

James - GM

Ethan - Jimmy Stonecutter, Dwarf

Greg - Hounmar Alden, Orc

Call of Cthulhu - Harlem Unbound - Char Gen

As we close out the year we'll start posting a new campaign! It's time for us to bring Harlem Unbound to the table! Join Ethan as he leads Ben, Dan, and Laura through char gen for Chris Spivey's Ennie award winning scenarios!

Harlem Unbound is by Chris Spivey for Darker Hue Studios & Chaosium, and can be found as both a pdf for the systemless 1st Edition version at Darker Hue's website, and as a pdf or physical book for the Call of Cthulhu 2nd Edition at Chaosium.

MonsterHearts2 - Christmas in July

July 2000. Three weird teens are part of weird families that have been friends for generations. They've graduated and are about to move forward with their lives. There is something that they need to do before the end of the month. Whether time, procrastination, or real life, this is the last possible day to do it.

The day, of course, great Aunt Mildred is hosting her annual all day Christmas in July party.

Aaron, as always, can be found at Kame House Party or Thinking Too Hard About Anime.

Greg - GM

Aaron - Crow, Fae

Ben - Catherine, Ghost

Ethan - Lucca, Witch

Call of Cthulhu - Click Clack feat. Rina from The Old Ways

Rina joins us once again, from The Old Ways and Ain't Slayed Nobody podcasts, for another round of terror in Call of Cthulhu! Several investigators are hired to look into a medium, renowned for her seances. Things seem odd, but once the ritual begins there's no stopping...

Rina can be found on The Old Ways Podcast and Ain't Slayed Nobody. On The Old Ways Rina is currently tackling both Horrors on the Orient Express in CoC and Blood Moon Rising, a San Francisco by Night campaign in Vampire 5e. The podcast also features Masks of Nyarlothatep and a variety of one shots. Ain't Slayed Nobody, 2022 Best Podcast Ennie winner, focuses on Down Darker Trails, a Wild West era Call of Cthulhu campaign. Rina can also be found on Twitter @GlitterfaeThey 

Click Clack is an adventure by Rina, and is available on DriveThruRPG.

Rina - GM

Adam - Dash Hopkins, Private Investigator

Ben - Joyce McBurney, Investigative Reporter

Ethan - Professor Byron Boston, of the Arkham Bostons, Professor of Occult Studies, Miskatonic University

Greg - DeForest Paine, Paranormal Psychologist

Reign - Nagalisitu - Agents of ALIS - Part 01

This campaign will touch on many themes, including slavery, racism, specism, harm to children, and mental health issues, among others. Listener discretion is advised.

The campaign begins! The crew of the Hypatia are secretly members of ALIS, the Alexandrian Library's... "Acquisitions" division. They look into various problems and mysteries across the galaxy to help retain and expand this wealth of galactic knowledge. They are called onto an assignment, as vanishings are occurring on a planet that are inexplicable. The crew knows that things will not be so simple...

Agents of ALIS is based on the campaign framework Nagalisitu by Caleb Stokes, for Reign second edition by Greg Stolze. As of recording and release of this episode, Reign 2E is still in final stages of development and we are using a Kickstarter backer version of the rules.

Genepals are references from Kyle Carty's Starstreamers from BPB Games.

What Lurks in the Deep recorded by Jared and Nellie.

Adam - GM

Dan - Roscoe Holst - The human pilot of the Hypatia, and descendant of the... legendary? line of Holst, a family that always seems to be near when galactic history changes.

Ethan - Silent Reading - A Murnau spy, perhaps the person most suited to the work of the Library. Whereas his twin brother Cheerful Humming is much more of an open book, Silent Reading keeps to himself, trusting few...

Greg - Kyrt Howling-Echo - A gengineered half-human half-Murnau, he is the former Genepal League champion. Kyrt has "retired" into aiding the Library of Alexandria as a patron. Never without his beloved Genepal Pep Pup, or his second best friend Sol-Edge.

Jared - Captain Kai Uhila - The human captain of the Hypatia. Kai is a bard as is the nature of those who helm the ships that travel the galaxy. A bit of a drunk, a bit of a lech, a bit of a loose cannon, but someone with a strong sense of justice.

Laura - Tema Miles - A humanish logistics & security expert on the Hypatia. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and will rip yours out of your chest if you cross her, the ship, or her young ward Libby.