Delta Green - NOVA Part 2

The Cowboys of G Cell continue their thorough investigation of this cult, but faced with how to tackle interference they start racing to their fate...

Ben's custom scenario Nova is based on Light's Out, a scenario from Stygian Fox's Fear's Sharp Little Needles.

Ben - GM

Dan - Clyde Golliday, Soldier

Ethan - Kelsey Kraven, Federal Agent

Greg - Liliana Bowle, Federal Agent

Table Chatter - Interview with Rob Leigh for When the Moon Hangs Low

Ethan is joined by Rob Leigh of Isolation games to talk about the Kickstarter for a print edition of his game When The Moon Hangs Low! When The Moon Hangs Low is a game where hunters are Marked, which give them powerful abilities yet powerful curses as they hunt the creatures in the darkness of a city. The KS will be to get a print edition of the book available, as well as more art and a soundtrack for the game.

When The Moon Hangs low is currently available in PDF form on DriveThruRPG. The Kickstarter for the physical edition is active as of this posting through 10/21/2022.

Rob & Isolation games can be found at Isolation Games’ website and on Twitter @Isolation_Games.

Call of Cthulhu - The Necropolis Feat. Rina from The Old Ways Podcast

We are joined by Rina, from The Old Ways and Ain't Slayed Nobody podcasts, for some good ol' Call of Cthulhu! An expedition already begins awry when the investigators wake up in mysterious environs...

Rina can be found on The Old Ways Podcast and Ain't Slayed Nobody. On The Old Ways Rina is currently tackling both Horrors on the Orient Express in CoC and Blood Moon Rising, a San Francisco by Night campaign in Vampire 5e. The podcast also features Masks of Nyarlothatep and a variety of one shots. Ain't Slayed Nobody, 2022 Best Podcast Ennie winner, focuses on Wild West era Call of Cthulhu.

The Necropolis is an edited form of the adventure of the same name from Gateways to Terror by Chaosium.

Rina - GM

Ben - Lord Percy Lethbridge-Stewart, Financier

Dan - Dr. Thomas Baker, Professor of Languages

Ethan - Illinois Jones, Archaeologist

Magical Kitties Save The Day - One Shot

Dan leads us through a game where... magical kitties save the day, I mean, c'mon. Their humans are missing, and for whatever reason, they seem to have gone to the library and have not returned. The three cats band together to find out what's going on...

Magical Kitties is a RPG by Atlas Games designed for all ages.

Dan - GM

Adam - Sylvester

Ben - Reeses

Brownie - Stompy

Red Markets - Exit Stage Right Part 8

With one member of the crew "on autopilot", the rest of Exit Stage Right make their way to their next job site, but how can they hope to find what they're looking for...?

Jason can be found at RPPR, and on Twitch at GrayTTV_.

Jason - GM

Ben - Moses - The team's hacker, a former Tragedy Tracker, Moses is very skilled with computers and computer programming. He is curious in investigating but willing to do anything to keep his family safe.

Dan - Squirrel - The team's sniper and security expert. A great eye, a great shot, and a great locksmith. He was a... "Security Consultant" and "Fixer" pre-Crash.

Ethan - Jesus' Son - A tweaked out rich boy who probably shouldn't be here, but needs money for heroin. But, hey, at least he is a highly skilled yachtsman...

Greg - Asterius - The cowboy Cow Boy cow-boy, Asterius is a cosplaying cowboy, astride his horse Pegasus and wielding a giant axe, The Reaper. The strong, silent type.

Laura - Sunshine - A former investigative journalist, using their skills with making and forming contacts to be the team's face.