CBR+PNK - Calvin Ball

Three runners are contacted by a Mr. Johnson. He wants them to go off planet to a space station. Under the guise of a group of racing competitions, they need to ascend a corpo skyscraper. This corp found... something on a probe from Europa, and the Johnson wants them to bring it back to Earth to him...

CBR+PNK is a Forged in the Dark game of cyberpunks trying to complete one last job to get out of the life. The game is available in physical from Mythworks, and digitally from itch.io or DriveThruRPG.

Ben - GM

Dan - Mercurio

Greg - H0bb3z

Jared - Feedback

Reign - Nagalisitu - Agents of ALIS - Part 29

The Agents learn more about the magics that have ensorcelled them, and plan which aspect of society to being to the Nagali next...

This campaign will touch on many themes, including genocide, slavery, racism, specism, harm to children, and mental health issues, among others. Listener discretion is advised.

Agents of ALIS is based on the campaign framework Nagalisitu by Caleb Stokes, for Reign second edition by Greg Stolze. Reign 2E has been released in pdf and is available at Atomic Overmind, while the book with the information on Nagalisitu has not been released as of posting. We are using a Kickstarter backer version of those rules.

Genepals are references from Kyle Carty's Starstreamers from BPB Games.

Adam - GM

Dan - Roscoe Holst - The human pilot of the Hypatia, and descendant of the... legendary? line of Holst, a family that always seems to be near when galactic history changes.

Ethan - Silent Reading - A Murnau spy, perhaps the person most suited to the work of the Library. Whereas his twin brother Cheerful Humming is much more of an open book, Silent Reading keeps to himself, trusting few...

Greg - Kyrt Howling-Echo - A gengineered half-human half-Murnau, he is the former Genepal League champion. Kyrt has "retired" into aiding the Library of Alexandria as a patron. Never without his beloved Genepal Pep Pup, or his second best friend Sol-Edge.

Jared - Captain Kai Uhila - The human captain of the Hypatia. Kai is a bard as is the nature of those who helm the ships that travel the galaxy. A bit of a drunk, a bit of a lech, a bit of a loose cannon, but someone with a strong sense of justice.

Laura - Tema Miles - A humanish logistics & security expert on the Hypatia. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and will rip yours out of your chest if you cross her, the ship, or her young ward Libby.

Eclipse Phase 2 - Holocene Part 3

As the Agents spiral deeper into this mysterious maze, they know the only way out is through. They will have to delve ever deeper, and delve into themselves, to survive and escape...

Adam - GM

Ben - Abbas, Human Futura [Lost]

Greg - Berk, Infolife Synthmorph

Jared - Walkabout, Octopus Neo-Octopus

Laura - Pivo, Octopus Neo-Octopus

Heart - The Gorgon - Part 1

Before we begin the campaign in earnest, we have to do some scene setting. A pair of Delvers, the last of their group, proceed with their mission to investigate an Aelfir cult compound deep in the Heart. In the mysterious mansion they will find more than they bargained for...

In the campaign we deal with themes of body horror, cosmic horror, cptsd and ptsd, war, depression, debt, and more. Listener discretion is advised.

Heart is a game of delving underground into the meaty nightmare world under The Spire, to find treasure, yourself, and more. Heart and its supplements are available at Rook Rowan & Deckard in both print and PDF.

Ben - GM

Ethan - Hive 36, Deep Apiarist

Greg - Ahkoura, Vermissian Knight

Masks - Loser Buys Pizza

A trio of teen heroes take a break after a long night of patrolling. While chatting with another group, they all spot some action going down at a warehouse across the street. Before springing to action, the groups agree, depending on how things shake out in dealing with the bad guys -

Loser buys pizza.

Masks is a Powered by the Apocalypse game by Brendan Conway, of a new generation of super heroes coming into their own, dealing with the pressures of being a teen while saving the day in Halcyon City. The base game and official expansions are available in soft and hardcover books + PDF at Magpie Games' website, while just the PDFs are available at DriveThruRPG.

This episode incorporates content from the core book, the Halcyon City Herald Collection, and the Enduring playbook by Jon of Listen to These Nerds podcast, available in the Fan Favorite Zine, and as an updated standalone PDF, both on itch. The Enduring has also been a part of the TTRPGs for Trans Rights bundles, and the upcoming (as of posting) TTRPGs for Trans Rights Ohio itch.io bundles, so you may already have a copy.

Greg - GM

Ben - Blue Monarch (They/Them) - The Outsider

Dan - Shadow Fist / Vladamir Sandberg (He/Him) - The Beacon

Jared - The Phantom Specter / Arya Kroger (She/Her) - The Enduring